Campus Security

The Higher Education Opportunity Act, 8-14-2008 which reauthorized the Higher Education Act of 1965 requires that the following information be made available to all current students and employees and to all future applicants.

Inclement Weather Policy

In the event that weather is so severe that the school administration feels that life and property may be in danger, the president may cancel classes until weather conditions improve.

Tornado Alert

Tornado alert information will be passed by phone broadcast system and word-of-mouth to classes if a tornado is in the area and the action to take at that time if tornado damage is imminent.

Fire Safety

Fire extinguishers and alarm signals are provided throughout the buildings.  In case of a fire, an alarm will sound.  This will be the signal to evacuate the building.  Evacuation routes are posted in each room.  Students should familiarize themselves with the routes so they may leave the building in an orderly manner and re-assemble in a designated area.  When an extinguisher is used, it should not be replaced in brackets until it has been recharged.

Reporting of Criminal Actions and/or Emergencies

Any incidence of criminal activity which occurs on campus must be reported to the administration {President, Vice President of Instruction}.  Once the administration is notified, the local law enforcement authority will be informed.  A copy of the police report will be retained in the school’s files.

Security and Access to Campus Facilities

An administrative official or designated representative is on campus at all times whenever classes are in session or school facilities are open.  This person is responsible for the security of the campus facilities and will notify local law enforcement authorities if any evidence of a breach in security exists.  During the hours when school is not open, security measures are used to maintain safety.  These may include, but are not limited to, electronic security systems, night watchmen and periodic surveillance by local authorities.

Campus Law Enforcement

The school works closely with the Springdale Police Department to report and investigate wrongdoing which occurs on campus.  Maintenance supervisors are authorized to notify the authorities if any criminal activity occurs on campus during off-hours.  Procedures require that night personnel must notify police and school administration immediately if any criminal activity is suspected.

Safety Programs

Regular faculty meetings are held during the course of the school year.  During these meetings, security measures are discussed.  Each faculty and staff member is encouraged to participate in reporting evidence of criminal activity.
Students are informed of security procedures during Student Orientation, which is held at the beginning of each term.  At this time, access to campus facilities is discussed, as well as procedures for reporting criminal activities.
During these programs, personnel and students are advised about personal safety measures and ways to reduce the possibility of becoming a crime statistic.

Sexual Assault Policy

It is the policy of Northwest Technical Institute to prohibit and prevent sexual assault as well as all other sex offenses committed against students, employees, visitors, and any other persons who may be using NWTI facilities.  Sexual assault is an extreme form of sexual harassment.  Sexual harassment is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.  Sexual assault is also a crime as defined by the Arkansas Criminal Code.  If you are the victim of a sexual assault, or any form of sexual harassment, it is vital that you report the circumstances to the administration {President, Director of Instruction} as promptly as possible.  If the incident occurred off NWTI property, then contact your local authorities to file your report.  You may, however, choose to report the incident to a non-law-enforcement entity such as your clergy person, a friend, an area rape crisis agency, or a doctor.  These reports will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency for further investigation.  The primary concern is for the well-being of the victim, and for immediate medical attention.

Additional information regarding registered sex offenders may be obtained from Arkansas Crime Information Center.

Unauthorized Firearms

Unauthorized firearms and other dangerous weapons of any kind are not permitted in or around NWTI facilities.

Your Right To Know

Your personal safety and the security of the campus community are of vital concern to Northwest Technical Institute.  A copy of the school’s annual security report is available upon request.  This report includes statistics for the most recent three-year period concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus or property owned or controlled by Northwest Technical Institute, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.  You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting the Office of the President, 709 S. Old Missouri Rd., Springdale, AR  72765.  This information is also on file along with the data from other institutions of higher education at: click here to visit site.   

Annual Campus Security Report

Federal and state laws require colleges to provide current and prospective students and employees with detailed information about various issues which affect them, including campus crime statistics and security procedures, college policies on alcohol and drug use, college policies on harassment and sexual assault, student rights regarding their education records, graduation and transfer rates, and financial aid regulations.  To view Fall 2024 Annual Security Report click here