Satisfactory Academic Policy

Federal and state regulations require students receiving financial aid to make measurable academic progress toward completion of their program of study. These standards are applicable to recipients of the following programs: Federal Pell Grant, Arkansas Workforce Improvement Grant and the Go! Opportunity Grant

Regardless of what type of financial aid assistance a student is receiving. All students are required to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards. 

Satisfactory academic progress is evaluated at the end of each semester during the regular academic year. Students attending summer sessions are evaluated at the end of the summer session. Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards apply to all work attempted at NWTI even though a student may not have been receiving financial aid.

Minimum Standards of Progress

Qualitative: A minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) is required for all coursework at NWTI.

Quantitative: The pace of progression to ensure completion within the 150% maximum time frame is a cumulative completion of 67% of all hours attempted. Attempted hours include withdrawals, repetitions, test outs, and transfer credits. Test outs and transfer hours also count as completed hours.

Credit hours completed are:

“A” through “D” grades
“S” satisfactory

Credit hours attempted but not completed are:

“F” grades
“W” withdrawal
“I” incomplete

The number of credit hours a student may attempt while continuing to receive financial aid cannot exceed 150% of the number of credit hours required for completion of the program of study.

Transfer students will be assumed to be making satisfactory progress for the first disbursement of financial aid funds. Cumulative GPA for transfer students is based on NWTI academic work only. However, credits transferred from other institutions will be used to evaluate program completion within the 150% maximum.

A student may change to a different major and continue to receive financial aid if satisfactory academic progress is maintained. Credit hours taken in the initial program will count against the maximum hours allowed in a subsequent program.

Academic/Financial Aid Warning

A student aid is placed on Academic/Financial Aid Warning when he/she fails to maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average or fails to complete at least 67% of all hours attempted in a term regardless of whether he or she is receiving financial aid assistance. A student on warning status continues to receive financial aid.

Academic/Financial Aid Termination

Academic/Financial Aid Termination means termination of all financial aid and suspension from NWTI. If a student does not meet the minimum standards of progress by the end of the warning period, the student is considered to be making unsatisfactory progress and is placed on Academic/Financial Aid Termination.

Following suspension, a student may return to warning status when he/she regains a 2.0 cumulative GPA and completes at least 67% of all hours attempted within a term. After returning to warning status, a student must continue to maintain the appropriate cumulative grade point average and completion rate or he/she will return to suspended status. Warning status remains with a student through subsequent terms even if he/she continues to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.

A student who withdraws from NWTI and re-enrolls at a later date will return with a financial aid status as determined at the end of the last semester attended.

A student who receives financial aid and who does not meet the minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards will be notified by the Financial Aid Office by letter mailed to the most current address on file.

Academic Probation

A status granted only after the student has had their appeal approved by the Academic Progress Appeal Committee. The Academic Probation can either be for one semester or multiple semesters, deemed by the Appeal Committee. At the end of the probation period, the student must meet SAP standards to maintain Pell eligibility.

Financial Aid Probation

A status granted only after the student has had their appeal approved by the Financial Aid Appeal Committee.  Financial Aid Probation can either be for one semester or multiple semesters, deemed by the Appeal Committee.  At the end of the probation period, the student must meet SAP standards to maintain Pell eligibility. 

Academic Progress Appeal

Any student who has been terminated has the opportunity to appeal such action to the Academic Progress Appeal Committee which is comprised of the Vice President of Instruction, Director of Student Services and the appropriate Department Chair. No appeal will be accepted after the 10th day of class unless there are extenuating circumstances. Any appeal must be made in writing in a format provided by the Student Services Office. In order for the appeal to be considered, documentation of extenuating circumstances must accompany the appeal. Examples of extenuating circumstances are prolonged illness under a doctor’s care, illness or accidents requiring hospitalization or prolonged absence from class, death of an immediate family member or prolonged illness of a dependent. The Academic Progress Appeal Committee will respond to appeals in writing within three weeks of receipt.

An appeal may be approved only if the school:

  • Determines that the student will be able to meet SAP standards after the subsequent payment period;


  • Develops an academic plan with the student. The Appeals Committee will counsel the student and customize and monitor an academic plan that, if followed, will ensure that the student will be able to meet SAP standards by the end of the 150% time frame.


  • Proper documentation has been presented to justify an appeal.

Financial aid standards are the same as institutional standards with the addition of the following:

  1. 150% maximum time frame for completion

  2. Completion of 67% of all attempted credit hours

  3. Withdrawals are considered when determining SAP

Financial Aid Progress Appeal

Any student who has been terminated from financial aid has the opportunity to appeal such action to the Financial Aid Appeal Committee which is comprised of the Director of Student Services, Student Services Staff member, and two Instructors. No appeal will be accepted after the 10th day of class unless there are extenuating circumstances. Any appeal must be made in writing in a format provided by the Student Services Office. In order for the appeal to be considered, documentation of extenuating circumstances must accompany the appeal. Examples of extenuating circumstances are prolonged illness under a doctor’s care, illness or accidents requiring hospitalization or prolonged absence from class, death of an immediate family member or prolonged illness of a dependent. The Financial Aid Appeal Committee will respond to appeals in writing within three weeks of receipt.

Students must appeal to both committees’ if he or she wants to be reinstated into NWTI and have his or her financial aid reinstated.